Breaking News

We have exciting news to share with all! Veterans Security is going to the next level. Due to our recent and future anticipated growth and expansion, we have many new and exciting changes forthcoming. Staying true to Veterans Security Vision Statement, “to grow and...

Building Safety Tips

Key Security It is your responsibility to maintain security. Know which keys you have and to which locks. Only have keys to facilities you need to access. Never leave keys in a door lock. Don’t loan keys out. Don’t duplicate keys. Report key loss. Make sure that keys...

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

CPTED is based on four elements: NATURAL SURVEILLANCE Natural Surveillance is a design concept directed primarily at keeping intruders under observation. It utilizes design features to increase the visibility of a property or building. The proper placement and design...

Four Benefits of Hiring a Veteran!

An increasing number of civilian employers are becoming more aware of the unique strengths former military personnel can bring with them to a civilian job. Whether you are a business leader considering expanding your work force, or a veteran considering which...

It Pays to Fight Crime

Chad Benham founder of Veterans Security is proud to have been elected to the Board of Directors for Silent Witness this past week. Did you know that Silent Witness is a community based, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. ALL of the rewards paid out are funded...